Dear Nicholas,
I can't believe you're already 2 months old...actually, you're 2 months and 3 days old as of this post. The time has gone by so fast! This month was full of smiles, smiles, and more smiles. You are an incredibly happy baby (surprisingly so, considering how little you sleep during the day), and you spend most of the day just looking around with your big blue eyes and smiling. You are getting cuter with every passing day, and we're still as in love with you as ever!
You started out Month 2 with your social smiles, and ended the month with some little giggles for Mommy and Daddy. Your belly button finally healed and has turned into the cutest belly button in the world. You're starting to hold your head up for longer periods of time and you seem to have a little more control of it. Yet your arms and hands still flail about as though they're completely independent from your body! You still hardly sleep during the day, despite our best efforts to get you to nap. But you slept through the night for the first time on your 2-month birthday (probably from the trauma of getting 3 shots in your legs at the doctor's office). You had another great visit from Mimi & Grandaddy and from Abu & PaT. You took your first trip to the Atlanta Zoo. You had your first trip to a restaurant for Daddy's birthday. You weigh 11 lbs. 11 oz. and are 23.5 inches long. You're chunky enough now to have little dimples on your knees, elbows, and knuckles. You're finally fitting into your 0-3 month clothes. You love your nightly bathtime and hate it when we take you out of the bath. You're the best!
Happy 2-month birthday my little one!
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