Happy 7-Month Birthday! It’s hard to believe that you’re already 7 months old. This was a very “big boy” month for you. You started officially sitting up this month, and it was amazing how quickly you mastered this skill. You went from only being able to sit for a few seconds, to all of a sudden being able to sit up for a long time. And you love being able to sit up and reach for things – it’s adorable to watch!
You’re now eating solid foods and you love them. I’m not sure there is a single food so far that you haven’t liked (other than rice cereal and oatmeal – but I think it’s because they’re boring to your palate). You even tried drinking from Daddy’s big water cup, but I think it’s a little big for you.
You also took your first shower this month in an effort to clear up this pesky cough that you’ve had, and you loved it. You were fascinated with the water, and weren’t bothered at all every time it would spray on your head and run down your face. You just made raspberries to spit it out of your mouth and then you would smile again. You’re great in the bath as well and love splashing constantly. We have a bathtime book that I read to you, but you’re much more interested in chewing on it.
After bathtime, we go to your room and get you ready for bed. Sometimes, if you haven’t had enough naps during the day, you’re a little cranky at this point. But as soon as you see Sophie on your changing table, you cheer right up! You absolutely love her, and it’s hard sometimes to pry her out of your hands once it’s time to eat and go to bed.
We didn’t think you could love anything more than Sophie, but then we introduced you to Sophie’s friend Chan the Mushroom – and you love him even more. He squeaks really easily, and you love anything that squeaks. Here’s a funny video of you chewing on him.
You are still babbling all the time, and said “mamama” this month. Your favorite syllable, though, remains “ba.” You’ve also discovered sticking out your tongue this month and do it all the time. One day I’ll have to teach you that it’s not polite to stick out your tongue, but right now it’s just adorable to see.
You now sleep completely unswaddled, 100% of the time. We started out unswaddling you at night, but you still needed it to sleep during your naps. But now you sleep unswaddled during your naps, in your crib! What an amazing change from a few months ago when you wouldn’t nap in your crib at all. We still love watching you on the monitor at night to see how much you move around in your crib. I don’t think there is a square inch in there that you don’t cover at night. The past few nights you’ve discovered sleeping on your tummy and seem to enjoy this new sleeping position. The funniest is seeing you trying to scoot in your crib when you’re on your tummy, because you just hump the crib repeatedly. It gives us a good chuckle.
You also experienced something new this month: swings! We’ve gone to the park several times and put you in the swing, and discovered that you like it so much that we bought you one for the back yard. I think your favorite part about it isn’t the actual swinging, I think it’s the fact that you have a full view of the backyard and can watch Wingnut run back and forth when we play fetch with him. You still love your brother so much and smile every time you see him.
You are an amazing baby and bring so much joy to our lives! We love you Nicholas!
Here are a few more adorable pictures from this month:
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