Dear Nicholas,
I can’t believe you’re already 6 months old! You have changed so much in the past six months.
• Six months ago, you weighed 6 lbs., 9 oz. Today, you weigh 16 lbs., 12 oz.
• Six months ago, you were 21 inches long. Today, you are 28.5 inches long.
• Six months ago, you hadn’t even met your brother Wingnut. Today, you recognize him as soon as he enters the room, and it puts a huge smile on your face. And you reach out your hands to him as soon as you see him so that he can come up and lick them. You two are adorable together!
• Six months ago, you were just learning how to nurse. Today, you’re learning how to eat from a spoon, you’ve tried rice cereal, and today you tried your first real food - sweet potatoes. And you did really well and actually swallowed some. It wasn't nearly as messy as we expected!
• Six months ago, Mommy and Daddy started swaddling you every night to go to sleep. Today, you are finally sleeping unswaddled and Mommy and Daddy get a kick out of watching you on the monitor to see all the funny positions you sleep in and the way you rotate 360 degrees in your crib throughout the night.
• Six months ago, your head was all floppy and Mommy and Daddy had to support every part of you when we held you. Today, you’re sitting up on your own (or “tripodding,” as the doctor called it), and you do push-ups when we put you on your belly.
• Six months ago, the only sounds that you made were little cries when you were hungry and sleepy. Today, you are extremely talkative, saying things like dadadada, babababa, boeuf (yes, you can say “beef” in French), puh, wawawawa, and a bunch of other sounds.
• Six months ago, the only smiles on your face were random ones probably caused by gas. Today, you are the happiest baby I’ve ever seen. You smile all the time and your Daddy and I spend most of our time doing silly things to get you to laugh, which you do a lot. Your laugh is the sweetest sound in the world and it just melts my heart.
• Six months ago, you didn’t have any control over your movements, and you would pretty much lie still when we put you down. Today, you roll around from side to side, tummy to back, and back to tummy; you kick your legs up into the air and grab your feet (usually to pull your left sock off); and you grab your toys and bring them to your mouth (you really like the ones with crinkly fabric).
• Six months ago, you were so incredibly loved by your Mommy and Daddy that we didn’t think it was possible to love anything more than you. Today, we love you even more, and our hearts grow bigger and bigger with love for you every day.
Here are a few of my favorite moments from this month.
Your first pictures of 2011:

Watching Mississippi State win the Gator Bowl, while wearing the same MS State shirt that your Daddy wore when he was a baby: