Thursday, September 16, 2010

Oh What a Night!

We had quite an adventure in the bath last night. Nicholas was incredibly relaxed in the bath and after I put him in, he immediately leaned over to the side of the tub and rested his head there. It was adorable! Shortly after I took this picture of Nicholas, we discovered why he was so relaxed. I reached into the tub to straighten him up to begin washing him and discovered that he had pooped in the tub. And since it was his first time pooping in a week, there was a lot of it. So we had to figure out exactly what to do...

We bathe him in his plastic tub over the left-hand sink, so we decided to fill up the right-hand sink and put him in it to finish his bath. Once it was filled, we put him in it and Scott brought the plastic tub outside to wash it. Well, we should have worked more quickly, because before we knew it, he had pooped in the sink as well.

So at that point, we put him in the left-hand sink without filling it up, washed him really quickly and rinsed him off with the sprayer. I have to say that we have a great baby, because he remained calm and happy during all of this.

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