Yay! I finally recorded Nicholas's funny sneeze. Check it out (around the 45 second mark).
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Happy 1-Month Birthday Nicholas!
Dear Nicholas,
Happy 1-month birthday! We can't believe you're already one month old...where did the time go?
We just got home from your 1-month doctor's appointment and you're already weighing in at a whopping 8 lb. 14 oz. I can't believe you've gained 2 1/2 pounds since you were born. Yet you're still somehow a skinny little dude (skinny, but adorable). You did a great job at the doctor's office - you let out one loud wail when you got your shot, but then immediately calmed down and fell asleep in my arms. You are such a great baby!
You had a great first month. You had a lot of visitors. Your Tia Andrea came to visit when you were less than one week old.

Then your Mimi and Grandaddy came to visit the following week.


Happy 1-month birthday! We can't believe you're already one month old...where did the time go?
We just got home from your 1-month doctor's appointment and you're already weighing in at a whopping 8 lb. 14 oz. I can't believe you've gained 2 1/2 pounds since you were born. Yet you're still somehow a skinny little dude (skinny, but adorable). You did a great job at the doctor's office - you let out one loud wail when you got your shot, but then immediately calmed down and fell asleep in my arms. You are such a great baby!
You had a great first month. You had a lot of visitors. Your Tia Andrea came to visit when you were less than one week old.
Then your Mimi and Grandaddy came to visit the following week.
You had so much fun with all of your visitors. All of your family members adore you and they never wanted to put you down! We had a fun photo shoot with you when your Mimi and Grandaddy were here.
You really are such a good baby. You're awake a lot - much more than any baby we've ever heard of. But most of the time you're very happy and alert when you're awake. You just look around the room with your big eyes and take in the world. You are so expressive, both with your face and your hands. We love to just watch you!
One of our favorite things that you do is what we call your 'funny sneeze.' Whenever you sneeze and it doesn't come out all the way, you follow it with a really cute whine/sigh that goes "ohhh." I'm still trying to capture this on video, with no success. One of these days I'll get it! You're also very talkative when you're awake. You make all of these adorable sounds and we love listening to you.
One of our favorite things that you do is what we call your 'funny sneeze.' Whenever you sneeze and it doesn't come out all the way, you follow it with a really cute whine/sigh that goes "ohhh." I'm still trying to capture this on video, with no success. One of these days I'll get it! You're also very talkative when you're awake. You make all of these adorable sounds and we love listening to you.
And you still get the hiccups a lot, just like you did when you were in my belly. They never seem to bother you, even though sometimes they last for more than 20 minutes. They're really adorable!
Of course, there are the not-so-glorious aspects of babyhood that we've been faced with...you have projectile pooped on both of us so far. Somehow you've managed to only pee on yourself when we changed you and haven't peed on us yet, but you've pooped on both of us. Luckily your poop isn't smelly, so it's not so bad. And you're a little toots-McGee lately...they sound impressively like adult toots. I think your Daddy is secretly very proud of you for this! And one other sweet bodily-function related milestone: you shed your first tear this past Saturday (4 weeks, 1 day old).
You have really been an easy baby compared to a lot of the stories we've heard from other parents. We're not nearly as tired as we expected to be, thanks to the fact that you've gotten the day-vs.-night thing down from the day we brought you home. We just can't believe how lucky we are to have the most beautiful, easiest baby in the world. We'd love you just the same even if you weren't so easy, but it doesn't hurt!
We love you Nicholas! Here's to the next wonderful month!
And, of course, Mommy took a ton of pictures of you today. Here are some of them.
And, of course, Mommy took a ton of pictures of you today. Here are some of them.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Happy 1-Week Birthday Nicholas!
Dear Nicholas,
Happy 1-week Birthday! I can't believe you are already one week old - it went by way too quickly! I wanted to put together a quick snapshot of your first week, with pictures of you from each day. And as you will come to learn, your Mommy can never narrow it down to just one picture. So I have a few pictures of you from each day since you were born. You are the most precious little guy, and we love you so much!
You are so amazing, and we marvel at every little thing that you do. Your neck and head are so strong - you've been lifting your head up since you were one day old. You sleep amazingly well at night; you wake long enough to eat, and then go straight back to sleep. We sincerely appreciate it, since we've been able to get a decent amount of sleep! And you have the most amazing awake time during the day - you stay awake up to 2 hours at a time, and you hardly cry. You just open your big eyes and look around, taking in the world around you. We couldn't ask for a better little boy!
Day 1 - Friday, July 30 - Your Birthday!
As I've already posted, your birth was an amazing experience. A week ago you changed our lives for the better!

Happy 1-week Birthday! I can't believe you are already one week old - it went by way too quickly! I wanted to put together a quick snapshot of your first week, with pictures of you from each day. And as you will come to learn, your Mommy can never narrow it down to just one picture. So I have a few pictures of you from each day since you were born. You are the most precious little guy, and we love you so much!
You are so amazing, and we marvel at every little thing that you do. Your neck and head are so strong - you've been lifting your head up since you were one day old. You sleep amazingly well at night; you wake long enough to eat, and then go straight back to sleep. We sincerely appreciate it, since we've been able to get a decent amount of sleep! And you have the most amazing awake time during the day - you stay awake up to 2 hours at a time, and you hardly cry. You just open your big eyes and look around, taking in the world around you. We couldn't ask for a better little boy!
Day 1 - Friday, July 30 - Your Birthday!
As I've already posted, your birth was an amazing experience. A week ago you changed our lives for the better!
Your first full day with us.
We finally got to bring you home from the hospital.
Getting ready to head home!
I couldn't resist making you pose for your first photo shoot - and you were the perfect subject. You are incredibly photogenic!
You gave me a cute little smile before I changed you. And then you kept falling asleep on the changing pad.
Your Aunt Andrea took some pictures of the happy family.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
To my Aunt Wendy
I am really excited to hear that you're getting better. My Daddy really enjoyed talking to you on the phone this morning, and my Mommy and Daddy get huge smiles on their faces every time Damon or Mimi and Grandaddy update them on your progress.
I am super excited to meet you. My Mommy and Daddy say that you're going to be an awesome aunt. I just wanted to write you this letter to tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Nicholas Scott Andrews. I was born two days ago on July 30, 2010, at 3:22 p.m. Mommy and Daddy tell me that I'm really cute. I have cute little cheeks, perfect little lips, big bright eyes, and dirty blonde hair. It's the same color as Daddy has. Mommy tells me I'm really handsome like him.
Here are some pictures of me since I was born. Mommy has taken a bunch even though I'm not even 48 hours old yet. But I guess when you're as cute as I am, it's hard to resist taking pictures of me.
This picture was taken of me when I was just a few minutes old. I came out with my eyes wide open and ready to greet the world.
And here I am just wide awake, looking around the room.
Mommy loves this picture of me with my spiky dirty blonde hair. Aren't I so handsome?
Here I am on Day 3 of my life (not quite 48 hours old yet). I was laying next to Mommy, looking up at her with my big bright eyes.
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