HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You are so amazing and precious to us already. The moment you came out you were crying and had your eyes wide open. It was the sweetest cry I had ever heard in my life, and your Daddy said that it was unlike anything he had ever felt before. You can't imagine how much we love you already. I hope you never get sick of hearing the words "I love you," because I will never get sick of saying them to you.
The moment you came out they laid you on my chest and all I can remember is tears of joy flowing from my eyes, and you were just looking back at me, melting my heart! You were so warm and soft and amazing! Your delivery was amazingly easy - I pushed for 2 minutes and you came right out. Thank you for taking it easy on me! You were born at 3:22 p.m. on July 30, 2010.
This is one of the first pictures that your Daddy took of you!
Here you are for your weigh-in. You came in at 6 lb. 9 oz., 21 inches long. And you have a full head of dirty blonde hair - the exact color that your Daddy's hair is today. A perfect mix of the white hair he was born with, and the dark brown hair that I was born with.
Here is a picture of you looking up at me - you are so adorable!